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Friday, March 7, 2025
Homebrew Challenges Much Like Ours: The Direct Conversion Receiver of Wes Hayward W7ZOI and Dick Bingham W7WKR -- QST November 1968
John KC9OJV's SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver -- John Becomes a Manhattan-Style Convert
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Thursday, March 6, 2025
Honorable Mention: Bruce KC1FSZ's SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver ON A PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD
Hi Bill:
I had refrained from any postings of my work because the "purity" of my build may be called into question and I didn't want to create further distractions from your efforts. HIHI. If you scroll down this page you'll get an idea of what I've been up to: https://github.com/brucemack/
kc1fsz-tjdcr. I also see that you've switched away from the Schottky diodes which I have not done, so I'll make that change to see how it impacts performance.
Moving fully into the realm of unauthorized deviations, I've been experimenting with the simple "frequency offset" feature shown in SSDRA on page 218. Hanging that simple circuit from the high side of C2 seems to provide the hook needed for a simple companion CW transmitter module. Joking aside, I'd never built an analog VFO before the TJDRC project, nor did I ever learn CW, so it's been quite interesting to try to create a sister board that stays true to the TJDCR ethos but can still make legit contacts.
Thanks for all the work you guys are doing to educate the rest of us,
Bruce KC1FSZ
Dean and Bill:What you guys have done with this project is truly amazing. I didn't build the rig in the "original wave," but I recently made one just for fun. I finally got around to looking at your Discord this weekend and was completely amazed... And Dean's tutorial videos are surely headed for YouTube platinum status!
Congrats and 73s,
Bruce MacKinnon KC1FSZ, Wellesley, MA
Bruce: There are several builders on Discord who would be very interested in your CW transmitter module.
Thanks Bruce! Congratulations! 73 Bill Hi7/N2CQR
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Jerry AA1OF's SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver
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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Honorable Mention: Steve AA7U's Dead-Bug Direct Conversion Receiver
Attached is a picture of my DCR build. I used a fixed VFO since I don't
have a 3D printer (but just learned two folks are offering the printed
coil and have just ordered one). Mine is set for about 7130 kHz. I'm
using the cheap eBay Chinese audio transformer 1300 ohms. I've done
bench sig gen checks for weakest CW signal I can hear with headphones,
swapping out different DBM diodes. 1N5819 -130 dBm; MCL ADE-1 mixer -129
dBm; 1N5711 HCD diodes -127 dBm; 1N4148 -130 dBm. My LO output was about
+6 dBm. Note the proper way to check LO output is to disconnect from the
DBM and terminate the LO with 51 ohms and measure the RF AC voltage
across the proper nominal 50 ohm load, then convert to Vrms and use an
online volts to dBm converter to get the LO power. Looking at the LO
voltage connected to the DBM does not give a correct LO power reading
(SSD and EMRFD also mention this). I see Dean's latest BPF comments
(where I learned of the audio amp R14 100 ohms vs. 10 ohms typo)
mentions the bypass cap on the LO jfet to increase LO output. I tried
that yesterday and my LO output across 51 ohm load is now about +10.5
dBm (from the original approx +6 dBm) . The actual 8.2V zener diode
voltage directly affects LO output too, I tested 10 diodes, the lowest
was 8.05V, highest was 8.35V--higher voltage of course gives higher LO
Here's one eBay seller of the inexpensive audio transformers I used
(I'm 78 and retired from electronics, now do it for fun and hobby; I
have a modest bench of test gear--various Siglent stuff including
spectrum analyzer, etc. I've been homebrewing stuff for many years.)
Steve AA7U
Honorable Mention: Karl K5KHK's Rebellious, Junkbox (but really nice) Direct Conversion Receiver
Honorable Mention: VK7IAN's Tasmanian Direct Conversion Receiver
Monday, March 3, 2025
Andy KB7ZUT is a Good Sport -- He Built the Direct Conversion Receiver HIS WAY, then OUR WAY. Great StarTrek Cartoons
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Bill AB5XQ's "Ugly Duckling" (Not true!) SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver
Bill AB5XQ told me that his was an "Ugly Duckling" receiver. I would disagree with him. Any device -- like Bill's -- capable of pulling conversations out of the ether is, in my book, beautiful. Condgratulations Bill.
Bill wrote:
Well that was the first time I ever tried to record my work, so I know it is poor quality. My antenna is an attic dipole which is not optimum either. Yes I have tweeted the bandpass filter, but I am guilty of trying to touch it up by ear and I know I have gotten it off, so I will give that a go also. I am very happy with the receiver, I know it is an ugly duckling as compared to some of the others, but I learned a lot and know that I still have some learning to do. Thanks again to you and Dean for challenging us to get busy in homebrew.
Thanks Bill!
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Roy WN3F's FB SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver
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Adam AA1N's SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver
Congratulations Adam!
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Nate KA1MUQ's Frying Pan SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver
This one is kind of "out there," on the fringes of radio respectability. But on the other hand Nate KA1MUQ has just took to a new limit the old ham radio tradition of raiding the kitchen for items that will serve the bases of support for new rigs. Usually, these items are wooden breadboards (hence the term). Nate has taken this quite a bit further, appropriating an entire frying pan because of its copper bottom. Nate reports that there is good news and bad news: The good news is that the receiver is working. The bad news is that his wife has banned him from the kitchen. It takes a brave and dedicated homebrewer to do something like this. Kudos Nate. But you probably should stay out of the kitchen.
Thanks a lot Nate and congratulations.
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Piotr KD9NHZ's SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver
Nice job Piotr! Congratulations! In his comments he captures well the excitement that comes from listening to receiver as it first comes to life:
Piotr writes:
It's alive! Thank you Solder Smoke team. My winding on PTO bit loose, I think I'll just hot glue gun it. Tuning is delicate, but front panel added some friction. Need to swap audio pot (used linear I had handy), and speaker is 12R (from junk box). Audio stage has a lot of gain - that stage alone did pick up loud AM station with my finger as antenna :). Thanks again de Piotr KD9NHZ
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Steve N9SZ's FB SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver
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Sunday, March 2, 2025
Martin GM5JDG's SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver Inhales on SSB Contest Weekend
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