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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Honorable Mention: VK7IAN's Tasmanian Direct Conversion Receiver

We are really pleased to have Tasmania in the group.  As I typed Tasmanian D.... I almost typed Tasmanian Devil!  But no,  Ian's receiver is really nice.  

The only reason I put it in the "Honorable Mention" category is the use of the large pre-made board.  There is nothing wrong with using one of those, but in this project we called for the use of four separate boards and the Manhattan technique.  And,earlier, when others started using something like this, we urged them to "go Manhattan" and they did.  I hope Ian will understand.  

The receiver sounds great Ian.  Congratulations.  73  Bill Hi7/N2CQR


  1. Zooming in it appears the boards were built individually and then soldered together, and even though the boards are pre-fab I believe they are Manhattan style, so Ian , you are on my HALL OF FAME wall!

    1. Previous comment is by me.
      --Walter KA4KXX


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