In Chapter 13A, Frank Harris writes:
The Vanishing Art
The 1986 ARRL Amateur Radio Handbook reported that hardly anyone was building
homebrew ham receivers.... Out of hundreds of contacts, so far I’ve worked four guys, George, K7DU, Mike, NØMF,
Biz, WDØHCO and Jack, W7QQQ who were using homebrew receivers for the QSO. Three of
these receivers were made from vacuum tubes. George's receiver is a beautifully crafted
instrument that looks like a commercial design from 50 years ago. All of these receivers had no
trouble hearing me on 40 meter CW. I talked to one other fellow, Gil, N1FED who told me he
had just finished a vacuum tube receiver. Unfortunately, it was performing so poorly he was still
using his modern transceiver on the air. Gil told me he didn’t like transistors. I guess he found
printed circuit boards and those pesky oscillations too much trouble.
In spite of this pessimism, you CAN build transistorized receivers that work reasonably
well. I built mine because I was intrigued by mysterious circuits like “balanced mixers,”
“product detectors,” “cascode amplifiers” and “crystal ladder filters.” Before this project, I
could recite the purposes of these circuits, but I had no “feel” for how they worked and why
receivers are designed the way they are. What better way to learn than to build one?
Aside from the need to shield circuit blocks from one another, a homebrew receiver with
a single big board full of discrete components has another problem. If you build the whole thing
at once without buying a kit and pre-cut board, I guarantee it won’t work. To make homebrew
stuff that works, you have to develop your own technology based on parts you can get and
circuits you understand. Learning to think this way was difficult for me. Rather than “building
a receiver,” I had to lower my sights and build one circuit at a time, e.g., “an oscillator,” “a
mixer,” “an audio amplifier,” etc. Then I put the blocks together to complete my project. Some
of these circuit blocks didn’t work the first time so I had to build a new block. There were
various reasons the modules didn’t work. Usually, I wasn’t able to buy the exact parts used in
the circuits I was copying. Or my craftsmanship or shielding wasn’t adequate. Sometimes I
never did learn why one version of a circuit block was superior to another. By building my
receiver using separate little shielded modules for each circuit block, I could replace a circuit
block whenever I managed to build an improved version. Otherwise, I would have ruined the
entire big board.
On rare occasions my circuits didn’t work because there were errors in circuit diagrams in
QST magazine or in the handbooks. I found some serious errors in my 1979 ARRL Handbook
and a minor one in my 1998 edition. Perfect editing is not possible, so we shouldn’t expect it.
Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column
I'm reading Frank's book as well - good stuff!
ReplyDeleteYou've mentioned this before on the Podcast, but it merits repeating: Don't underestimate the value of taking baby steps; there IS a learning curve - if it were easy, there'd be a lot less Icoms, Kenwoods and Yaesus on the air.
That said, a basic DC receiver is a great place to start because it allows you to get familiar with the essential building blocks without going into information overload.
Along those same lines, don't get hung up on trying to wring maximum performance out of your early efforts - learn to walk before you run. There's immense satisfaction that comes from hearing signals on a rig you built yourself - even if the rig isn't very good. That's something the appliance guys will never get to experience!