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Monday, February 24, 2025

Chris G7LQX's SolderSmoke Challenge DC Receiver

It looks and sounds really good.  It is inhaling SSB, CW, and digital signals on 40 meters.  Great job Chris. 

More details here.  It is NOT to late to build one of these. 

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  1. Fine business! I'm almost there - need to make time to troubleshoot the audio stage.

  2. Hello there Bill

    Your blog is part of my 12 step program away from SDR Tried Raspbery Pico and then Pi SDR. Tried Arduino and Quisk. Had to keep buying more little boards and attachments. They said, “but you only have to upgrade software with SDR.” That is a load of horse hocky because companies and the enthusiasts they brainwash into brand loyalty are always pushing faster hardware and planned obsolescence is built into this crap.
    I agree, these funny looking stacked boards are certainly a radio, but more a computer than a radio. I kept telling myself that I was having fun and then shelled out even more money to find satisfaction. Full stop. I am done with this SDR madness.

    SDR is appliance operation. Plain and simple. Stop kidding yourself folks. You can even solder these tiny parts or write your own code. Keep doing what you are doing Bill. Home brew is still alive thanks to the hardware folks like Bill, Peter in Melbourne, the Popcorn site and many others

    1. Thank you Regis. I am with you OM! 73 Bill Hi7/N2CQR


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