So there I was, early Saturday morning (earlier here -- we are one hour ahead of the East Coast) listening -- as I do -- to the Old Military Radio net. 3385 kHz AM. I use the K3FEF Web SDR in Pennsylvania. I heard a station that sounded familiar: Chris W4SVA. He said he was in the Shenandoah valley and was receiving on an R-390A and transmitting with a homebrew rig. I kind of remembered talking to a guy with a station like that. I searched through the SolderSmoke blog. No joy. Then I remembered it was probably a log entry. There he is, W4SVA. Here is his QRZ page: I was almost certainly on the K2ZA DX-100.
Here's my log entry:
12 August 2018
75AM W4SVA Chris in the Shenandoah, 15 miles south of Harrisonburg. Very FB. AM guy. Building rack-mount rig. Lots of HB stuff. Sent him the Shenandoah rocket pictures.
I also heard Buzz W3EMD from the Hudson Valley -- the dynamotor was clearly audible. FB Buzz.
Thanks Chris. And thanks again to John Zaruba for the DX-100.
Been using the N1NTE SDR to listen to the east coast AM crowd on 75m for a while, entertaining bunch of guys, most with rebuilt boat anchor, homebrew tube and class E tx, the AM brotherhood seems strong there. Such a great mode when done well. Paul VK3HN.