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Friday, February 28, 2025

John W8UC Ends 48 Years of Appliance Operator status -- His beautiful build of the SolderSmoke Direct Conversion Receiver

In many ways it was for guys like John W8UC that we launched this project.  These are guys who have been hams for a long time, but -- like most hams -- never built anything.  Most guys don't see this as a problem.  But some guys just don't like to think of themselves as "appliance operators." For years the ARRL and others told hams that receivers were just too difficult for them to build.  We found this not to be true.  So we launched this project, first at a local high school, then to a larger group. 

In his comments John says he has been an appliance operator for 48 years.  Well, you are an appliance operator no more John -- you have built a receiver.  

John wrote: 

I can hear the signals on a receiver I built so I am super happy about that... I have learned more in the last month about how a receiver works than I have in the last 48 years of being an appliance operator. Thank you Dean and Bill. 3. Would like to build a transmitter next. Also a receiver for another band.


For more information on how you too can build the receiver: 

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